Volunteer as a New Mexico National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Mentor now!!!


A Core Pillar of Youth ChalleNGe


The primary goal of the mentoring component is to assess and match each cadet with an unrelated adult in the community in an effort to develop a sustained relationship. The cadet and family are asked to nominate a volunteer from their community to be the cadet’s mentor. This adult acts as a friend, supporter, and role model to the cadet while engaging in activities of mutual interest.


The mentor reinforces the new skills of the cadets and acts as a catalyst to personal growth and achievement. Mentors are asked to help guide and counsel the cadet as they begin the transition to employment, continuing education, vocational training, or military. Mentoring is an act of community building. Mentors are entrusted with molding a young person into a contributing and productive member of society. Mentoring is the process of sharing personal knowledge, experience and skills with a less experienced youth. It is a big, but rewarding commitment.


Mentors are encouraged to visit their cadets while the cadets are in residence at NMYCA. During the Post-Residential Phase, mentors must have a minimum of 4 hours of contact per month with their cadet and are required to submit monthly Mentor Reports to the New Mexico Youth Challenge Academy, providing information on the progress of their cadet in the Post-Residential Action Phase. (P-RAP)


Become a New Mexico Youth ChalleNGe Academy Mentor

Mentor Forms and Policies

Please apply to be a Mentor first before filling out these extra forms. Already applied to be a Mentor? Great thank you for commitment to making a difference in a young persons life. Per our policy all Mentors must review and fill out the following documents. This will allow NMCYA to proceed with your Mentor Application, including running a background check. Please review and fill out the forms below as soon as possible so you can begin mentoring a Youth ChalleNGe Cadet and start making an impact.

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© New Mexico Youth ChalleNGe Academy