New Mexico National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Academy

A New Mexico National Guard Organization



The New Mexico National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Academy (located in Roswell, New Mexico) is a free 17 ½ month program that starts with a demanding 22-week quasi-military residential phase in which cadets will live in the NMYCA Barracks located on our campus in Roswell, NM.  This is followed by a year of mentoring support to help our graduates maintain positive lifestyles. 


During the Residential Phase, we focus on the development of the whole person through training of the 8 Core Components, which are designed to instill healthy, life-long skills that have been proven to lead to success.  In this phase, all cadets will live in recently renovated military barracks, work towards earning a HiSET, and are eligible to receive college credits in a vocational training program provided by Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell. 


Once a cadet graduates the Residential Phase, the 12-month Post-Residential Phase begins. This phase requires Cadets keep monthly contact with the trusted adult who has been chosen as a Mentor and their NMYCA Case Manager. The Mentor helps the cadet stay on track and remain focused on their life goals during the Post Residential Phase while also making monthly contact with their Cadet's NMYCA Case Manager.

NMYCA Mission


Through training, discipline, and mentoring, the New Mexico National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Academy provides the education, leadership, character development and life coping skills to New Mexico's youth so they may become productive citizens. 


The New Mexico National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Academy will be known as a viable, community-oriented intervention program committed to providing a safe environment for New Mexico's 16-18 year old youth.  Our goal is to provide our Cadets the education and the life skills necessary to become productive citizens with sustainable futures. 



"If it doesn't challeNGe you, it doesn't chaNGe you"

  • NMYCA is a second chance.
  • NMYCA is an opportunity to change.
  • NMYCA is a place to start your future.
  • NMYCA is alternative learning.
  • NMYCA is rewarding.
  • NMYCA is NOT a place for "Bad Kids."
  • NMYCA is NOT a placement for adjudicated youth.
  • NMYCA is NOT enlistment into the military.
  • NMYCA is NOT a punishment.
  • NMYCA is NOT easy. It is called ChalleNGe for a reason.

Want to know more? Attend one of our NMYCA Virtual Orientations. Get the opportunity to speak to an NMYCA Admissions Team member and get a quick run down of everything Youth ChalleNGe has to offer.

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