New Mexico National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Academy is proud to announce our partnership with Hagerman Municipal Schools to introduce a new Credit Recovery program. Targeted toward our youngest Cadets but available to all, this program allows Cadets to take online High School courses while at NMYCA and earn credits that will help them graduate from their High School on time! Cadets can return to their High School and be on track to graduate with their friends back home.

High School Equivalency Credential (HiSET)


Built on the OCTAE College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education, the HiSET® exam gives out-of-school youth and adults the best opportunity to demonstrate their skills and knowledge and earn a state-issued high school equivalency (HSE) credential.


Cadets will attend HiSET classes beginning the third week of the Residential Phase at Easter NM University-Roswell. Cadets are enrolled in Adult Basic Education classes offered through Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell.  Cadets are required to attend HiSET class daily, participate in class discussions, and complete all assignments.  Instruction in four areas: Language Arts (Reading & Writing), Math, Science and Social Studies. This instruction prepares cadets for the HiSET Test, which they take prior to graduation.


Cadets are not guaranteed a HiSET Certificate by attending the Youth Challenge Academy.

Cadets must pass the HiSET Exam to be issued a high school equivalency certificate or high school equivalency diploma.

Vocational Training Programs

Each Cadet at the New Mexico National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Academy has the opportunity to enroll in vocational training through our neighbors at Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell at no cost to cadets and their families.  Each cadet will be enrolled in a course of their choosing and upon successful completion of the course, will receive college credit and a certificate of employability associated with the class they attend.  Below are the courses we currently offer:

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